
Lights Go Out Mag UK:

Hey, welcome to Lights Go Out and our little “10 Questions With” feature. So first up, can you please introduce the band and what’s your role in Tank Shot?

Hi, our band consists of Holm and Olli – guitars, Baumi – bass and Björn – drums. My name is Kirsten, I´m the singer. We formed in 2008. Before that, members were active in bands like Annex5, Vendetta, Recharge, Audio Kollaps, Combat 77, Guts’n’Glory and Y-Fronts or still play in bands like Melones and Sanitys Dawn.

How would you describe the Tank Shot sound to those yet to hear the band?

Catchy punk rock.

From what I can hear there seems to be a Ramones influence in your sound? Is that fair to say and what other bands have influenced what you do?

Our songs have elements of 77s punk rock, oi!, hardcore and many more, we haven’t exactly defined it, but everything has a common musical line. Other influences are certainly Hüsker Dü and bands which were released on the Riot City and No Future labels in the early 80s.

You’ve just released your second album, “Psycho Man”, can you tell our readers a bit about it?

The album title is dedicated to all of those who have had strange and unsusual encounters with scary creepy people now and then. It took us about 2 years to write all the songs. They were recorded in the same studio as the first album, Studio Nord in Bremen, where early famous pop productions took place in the 1960s and where various “Neue Deutsche Welle” and punk LPs were mastered in the 1980s. The current owner Gregor Hennig acted as our producer, so to speak, because he has a lot of experience and is also perfectly familiar with other musical genres and bands like Trashmonkeys, Oomph! and Bela B from Die Ärzte.

Has much changed in the band’s approach since your debut “First Strike”?

We have tried to make the song structures more complex as well as giving them a catchier quality. I hope we succeeded, in any case we are very pleased and satisified with the result.

Both albums are available on vinyl, do you feel it’s really important for bands to release on vinyl these days?

Absolutely. Vinyl still sounds different from CD or streaming, especially if the record is specially mastered for the vinyl version, i.e. higher than 0 db. CDs seem to dissolve at some point, streaming is somehow very impersonal. With vinyl, not only the cover artwork is bigger, but also the insert, so you have something in hands that reflects value, which is incredibly durable and elegantly simple. I also love to hear the crackle when you put on a record, it´s so vibrant.

How does the song writing process work in Tank Shot?

Most of the songs are written by our drummer Björn. Since he can´t play guitar or bass, he first records all the tracks as keyboard versions on Cubase, so that all of us can get an idea of how the song should be played. Everyone also gets their own notes and their own track with the electronic drum track. When we meet in the rehearsal room, we already know what to do and it doesn´t need much explanation. Of course, everyone is free to change parts, but the basic structure is already there and that is very helpful.

Have you managed to get across to play any shows here in the UK? In fact are there any plans once travel restrictions are lifted to make it over to our shores?

We would like to play some gigs in the UK, but then Covid got in the way and everything came to a stop. But we´ll see how things work out in the future.

Where are the best places for our readers to check Tank Shout out?

You can listen to our songs at Our live dates and other info can be found on

Thanks for chatting with us, one final question before we let you go. You hail from Germany, now I admit my knowledge of German punk bands is limited to the likes of Wizo, Die Toten Hosen, Die Ärzte, Terrorgruppe – can you recommend me (and the readers) some German punk bands that we should be checking out?

More unknown early 80s bands like Honkas, Stosstrupp, Middle Class Fantasies, Blitzkrieg and Fasaga are very interesting. Concerning new bands, Four Or Five from our hometown can be recommended, too.


Skrutt Mag Sweden:

Tank Shot is a really good german punk band. Guitarist Holm answered all the questions. Dec-2018

Please tell me a little bit history of the group?
– I got a message on my cell phone from Björn aboout two years ago. He asked, if I would like to form a new band with him and his wife Kirsten. I have known Björn and Kirsten for a long time and in the past we often talked about the idea to make music together. So I said let`s give it a try.

Please tell me a little about every member in the group right now, age, family, work, interests and something bad about everyone? Earlier bands? Other bands on the side?
– I started to make music when I was about 13. With 14 I formed with schoolmates my first punk band called “inoffiziell”. Then in 1987 I formed another punk band called “Cripples”. Through the years there were several other bands like “Sanitys Dawn”, “Melones”, “Guts n Glory”, “Testosteron”,… . I have two children, I am 51 years old and I produce machine parts at my tool shop. My interests are music, from rock to punk. And instruments.

I can hear much different influences but mostly punk and a little UK82 etc? Favorites from the past?
– I think, our songs are very unique. Every song has got something different compared to other songs. For sure there are influences from the 80s. That time was our youth. My favorites of the past are “Ramones”, “Cockney Rejects”, “Sham 69”, “Slaughter And The Dogs”, “G.B.H”, “Chron Gen”, “Exploited” and all the other bands from the late 70s to the early 80s.

Tank Shot are you satisfied with the name? How did it came up? You weren’t afraid that some other band would be named like this? Which is the best bandname you know?
– Björn came up with the name. As I first heard it, I thought it would fit perfect for a HC Band, but I still like the name for us.

What´s the best thing with playing live?
– We´re rehearsing a lot, we take the music seriously, so it`s a real good feeling to put it all out in front of the audience. It`s fun, but it`s serious fun. It has to be professional. The crowd pays to see us, so they should get some value for their hard earned money. For me it`s a very good feeling to see the satisfied faces in the audience.

And where is best to play? And the worst place?
– The places we`ve played were all ok in my opinion.

How is to play this sort of music in Germany right now? Which types of bands do you have concerts together with?
– There is still a good scene in Germany, many old faces but a lot of new ones too. We play mostly with other punk bands. We supported for example “Adolescents” from the US and “Cock Sparrer” from Britain.

How would you describe your music in three words?
– catchy, from-the-heart, unique

What does punk mean to you, is it only a word or is it a lifestyle?
– Definitely a lifestyle.

How do you see on downloading, mp3 and that stuff?
– not my cup of tea…

How is it to live in Germany right now? Politically? Fascists?
– For me it is a good living in Germany. There political idiots in every country. I don`t care too much about politics.

Is there any good bands from Germany now? Is the punkscene/hardcorescene big? How is it in your hometown?
– The scene is still alive and there are still good bands in Germany.

What do you know about Sweden? What have you heard about our government and election?
– I don`t know too much about Sweden.

Have you heard any good bands from Sweden?
– I know some old bands like “Driller Killer”, “Nasum”, “Wolfbrigade”, “Mob 47”, “Disfear”.

Your lyrics, who does them and what influences you? Is it easier to do lyrics now or was its easier to do it when you was younger? Never in german?
– Björn writes all the lyrics. And he does it very well.

Do you think that music(lyrics and so on) can change anyones life, I mean people who listens to music?
– When you`re young, the music and lyrics could be very important for your future life. I still know many, many lyrics from the early 80s. I can say, they have really influenced my life, my opinions.

Your cover on your CD looks really nice, is it important to have a record cover which shows people which type of music you play? Your favorite recordcover? Who does your covers? And do you have any good recordstores in your hometown?
– The cover artwork was done by of our bass player Baumi´s girlfriend. I like the cover. On the back of the cover you can see a photo of us, I think it`s important to have some pictures of the people who are responsible for the music on the record. I like the cover artwork from “Oi!-the album”. We have some good record stores like “Rockers”, “Monster Records” and “25 Music”.

Is it important to get out physical records of your stuff? Why or why not? Vinyl, CD, cassette, what do you prefer if you could choose whatever ?
– I think vinyl, MCs and CDs are still important.

Please tell me a funny thing which have happened during your career and under some gig?
– nothing special, I think….

How does your audience look like? Which people do you miss on your concerts? Which is the biggest band you ever have played together with?
– In the audience you got many different looks. There are punks, skins, HC kids and some “normal” people too. The biggest band so far was “Cock Sparrer”.

Please rank your five favoriterecords, five favoriteconcerts and five most important things in life?
– LPs: Ramones-Road to Ruin, Cockney Rejects-Greatest Hits Vol. II, Red Alert-We,ve got the Power, Carcass-Symphonies of Sickness, Peter and the test tube babies-Pissed and proud. Concerts: Ramones 1985 Hamburg, UK Subs 1982 Hannover, Dead Kennedys 1982 Hannover, Die Alliierten 1982 Hannover, Carcass 1992 Hamburg

First, last and most expensive record ever bought?
– First record: The Sweet-Hellraiser 7”, last and most expensive record: Ramones-Road to ruin 40th anniversary

Is it boring with interviews? Is it much interviews?
– It`s always a small journey through my life. There are not many interviews.

Do you care about reviews? Which is the most peculiar you ever had, with this band or any other band you have been to?
– I care about reviews. It`s interesting to read how people you don`t know personally think of you and your music.

Which bands to people compare you to, is it boring that people compare to other bands or is it understandable?
– There are always many different influences in everyone`s music. It`s understandable that people mention bands they compare us to.

If you could choose five bands from the past and the history and nowadays and both dead and living bands to have a concert together with your band. Which five have you been chosen?
– Ramones, Slaughter and the Dogs, Infa Riot, Sham 69, Red Alert

Is music a good way to get out frustration and become a nicer person outside the music??
– I think it is. Music is a very creative thing and could expand your horizon.

Which is the question you want to have but you never get. Please ask it and answer it?
– No idea.

Futureplans for the band?
– More good concerts, writing and rehearsing new songs for the next album.

For yourself?
– Getting older and older…

– I`m not wise….

Something to add?
– Thanks for the interview.

Punk and Disorderly 2019:

1. What’s your “must see” at Punk & Disorderly 2019?

Our “must see” are the Cockney Rejects and Discharge. We´re certainly looking forward to Penetration.

2. What’s your favorite thing to do in Berlin?

Our favorite thing to do should be a trip to the Ramones Museum. Some of us visited it several times, but there are always little nice things to rediscover. Beside this you can have a few beers there. A visit to “Core Tex” would be interesting too.

3. What can the audience expect from your gig at Punk & Disorderly 2019?

The audience can expect a professional, catchy and entertaining punk gig from Tank Shot. We are very lucky and proud of being a part of the P&D 2019. We will play our favorites from our first album “First Strike” and some new songs from our forthcoming album.

Radio Linden: